Formal Education Programs School ProgramsEnvironmental Science on the Three Rivers Environment, Energy & Economy

Marcellus Shale + River Ecology

90 Minute Programs

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Environment, Energy & Economy (EEE)



Grades: 6-12

Season: Sept.-Nov. and March -June


$30 per student rate** includes full day field trip plus FREE extras worth over $1000.

2 week use of our EEE Captain's Chest

1-day workshop awarded to 1 teacher for every 30 students



2012-13 School Year: $15 per student. Bus and substitute scholarships are not available at this time.  Call 412-231-2712 with questions.


EEE incorporates three interactive onboard stations: populations and resources, environmental health, and economics of conservation technology. Hands-on activities and group discussions explore:

Pittsburgh environmental and socioeconomic history

Population dynamics, carrying capacity

Costs/benefits of alternative technologies


* PA Department of Education Academic Standars for Science and Technology (codes beginning with 3), Environment and Ecology (beginning with 4), and Economics (beginning with 6).

** Minimums may apply.  Actual cost of $100/student is subsidized through the generous support of foundations, corporations and the Pennsylvania Department of Education.



What People Say about RQ school programs

"I like the emphasis on integrating the RiverQuest experience into the rest of the classwork."  — High School Teacher

"I had a chance to analyze something real for a larger purpose than simply illustrating an idea taught in class... While I certainly knew that chemistry and biology could go together, it never really dawned on me that examining bugs in the river water might tell just as much about the viability of the water as analyzing phosphate concentration. It brought things together for me, and now I find myself wondering at connections between chemistry and physics."  — Student

"On board we were treated like real scientists with real responsibilities." — Student

"RiverQuest ... gives you a preview of what becoming a scientist would be like."