Employment Opportunities - Education CrewApplications for Education Crew positions are not being accepted at this time.
For information on boat crew opportunities, click here. ON-BOARD AND OFF-SITE TEACHING OPPORTUNITIESRiverQuest has opportunities from time to time for talented, enthusiastic and adventuresome people to become a part of our a river-based teaching crew! Positions are available seasonally. Qualified individuals have a unique opportunity to teach science, math, and environmental education onboard our floating classroom. Positions, when available, are available in spring (March-June), summer (June-August), and fall (September-November). Training begins a month before each season. Teaching staff can also serve as customer service stewards, teaching crew leaders, and offsite presenters. These are part-time positions, generally 2-5 days per week in season, 4-8 hour days. Qualifications and Requirements:
Letters and resumes may be also faxed or emailed as Microsoft Word attachments. Fax: 412-231-2880