Energy Bridges :
RiverQuest's school site outreach program
Energy Bridges is a 60 minute classroom-based activity is adapted for grade levels as noted, and is matched to the PA Education Standards. Class sizes are limited to 35 students for hands-on science activities.
Email Suzanne Toman at stoman@riverquest.org for avaiability.
Availability is limited.
Energy Bridges
What is energy? How do different sources of energy compare? Which are cleaner, and which have the capacity to provide the energy we need to run our homes, vehicles, and businesses? Are there any sources that can serve as a “bridge” between fossil fuels and renewable energy sources? Energy Bridges uses demonstrations and activities to compare and contrast various energy sources to enhance energy literacy.
Energy Bridges is available to schools and libraries. It is adapable for Grades 3-12. This education program is sponsored by EQT Foundation.