Formal Education Programs
Click on the links to access to PDF files of lesson plans written by classroom teachers.
Aquatic Insect Poetry
Written by Tracey Pawloski, Springdale Jr./Sr. High School
This Language Arts lesson crosses the curriculum with flair! Utilizing poems from Joyful Noise: Poems for Two Voices by Paul Fleishman, students work cooperatively to use selected poems about aquatic insects to learn about the appearance, adaptations, and movement of the insects.
Create a Cartoon
Written by Tracey Pawloski, Springdale Jr./Sr. High School
This Language Arts lesson combines learning and practicing the steps of the writing process with the creation of a character based on aquatic life found in and along the Allegheny, Monongahela, and Ohio Rivers, with a nod toward that famous cartoon sponge!
Introduction to River Unit
Written by Tracey Pawloski, Springdale Jr./Sr. High School
This plan was composed to serve an entire grade level with an introduction to a two-week multidisciplinary unit about the Allegheny, Monongahela, and Ohio Rivers, culminating with a display of completed student projects and activities during an annual Education Celebration Night, and a field trip on the RiverQuest fleet. One resource used is WQED Multimedia's "The Mon, The Al, and The O."
One Day at Telon Marsh
Written by Tracey Pawloski, Springdale Jr./Sr. High School
This lesson utilizes Sally Carrighar's book One Day at Telon Marsh as a springboard toward understanding about how ecosystems support a web of life.
RiverQuest Internet Scavenger Hunt
Written by Aimee Metz, Perrysville Elementary School
Students follow a web-quest to gather information about RiverQuest and the environmental science activities that happen onboard. Students use their information to compose a persuasive letter to the school board.